Evaluation of the model project "Peer Education"

Thema Auflage: Oktober 2002
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Medientyp Studie


The most important prerequisite for successful health promotion is quality assurance. Measures taken by the BUNDESZENTRALE FÜR GESUNDHEITLICHE AUFKLÄRUNG (BZgA) are therefore carefully planned on the basis of the current state of knowledge; their implementation is as a rule monitored by academics working in the field, and the results are critically assessed. The BZgA uses regular representative surveys to reveal the current state of indicators on knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. These surveys are supplemented by quantitative and qualitative studies on specific issues, secondary and meta-analyses of existing research results, surveys of professional opinion, and commissioned expert assessments.

Model projects are always monitored by academics working in the field. The quality-assurance measures include process evaluations in the form of pre-tests, partici-patory observation, post-tests and follow-up investigations.The model project "Peer education-an approach by young people for young people on questions of love, sex and contraception" was the subject of academic monitoring during the first project phase, which lasted from 1994 to 1997. This monitoring was all the more necessary insofar as the peer-education approach is not very widely used in Germany, and there are hardly any soundly-based data on its effectiveness and applications.

The experience gained with the BZgA model project and in particular the results of the academic flanking research are in demand internationally and have been adopted as quality-assurance Standards in the EU "Europeer" project. Under the Internet address WWW.EUROPEER.LU.SE further information on peer education is available, including some provided by the BZgA, e.g. a "European guide to peer education for young people on AIDS".
These steps represent the laying of a foundation both for Europe-wide networking and for a professional exchange of views. The BZgA intends to continue its work in this field, and use synergy effects to make a promising approach more widely known.

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