Criteria for Good Practice in Health Promotion addressing social determinants

Criteria for Good Practice in Health Promotion addressing social determinants

Thema Quality development in health promotion addressing social determinants
Erscheinungsjahr 2023
Medientyp Fachheft
Besondere Empfehlung für:


The brochure provides professionals in local health promotion and other interested parties with a tool for reflecting on their work in order to review and improve the quality of their health-promoting activities. The twelve criteria are presented in practical language as fact sheets, each containing a definition, implementation stages, and explanations with examples from practice as well as further, free and online available literature. The Good Practice criteria have been established for many years as an instrument to support quality development in health promotion. They serve as a guide for implementing guidelines and state framework agreements, are used in Good Practice learning workshops for the training of professionals, and are part of teaching at universities. The criteria also form the professional basis for the "Municipal Partner Process Health for All." The fourth edition of the brochure is an important tool for promoting health promotion addressing social determinants. It is aimed at professionals in local health promotion, actors in the healthcare sector, and decision-makers in politics and administration who are committed to implementing health promotion with a social perspective.

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