Sexuality Education in Europe and Central Asia - State of the Art and Recent Developments (English)

Sexuality Education in Europe and Central Asia - State of the Art and Recent Developments (English)

Thema The comprehensive report covers each of the 25 countries, presents a comparative European overview of the main results and formulates recommendations based on the core conclusions.
Medientyp Fachheft

Broschüre, DIN A4, 113 Seiten



In the period 2016 - 2017, BZgA and the European Network of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF EN) initiated an extensive survey about the development and current status of sexuality education in Europe and Central Asia, covering 25 selected countries of the WHO European Region.

This research fills a major knowledge gap about the information available about the status of sexuality education in the WHO European Region following the publication of two previous seperate reports by BZgA and IPPF EN in 2006.

The present analysis covers 25 countries from Western, Northern, Central and Eastern Europe as well as Central Asia and is thus fairly representative of the WHO European Region. It is based on an extensive questionnaire answered by experts of both governmental and non-governmental institutions.

The results of the research show that sexuality education has been in a state of rapid development since 2006 and that many changes have taken place in developing and implementing sexuality education in the countries studied.

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