Volume 12: “There’s nothing like starting young…” – Health Promotion at Kindergarten

Volume 12: “There’s nothing like starting young…” – Health Promotion at Kindergarten

Thema Stimuli, views and models of good practice Stand PDF-Archivdatei: August 2003
Medientyp Flyer

240 pages



Successful promotion of health competence at pre-school age would have wide-reaching effects which would shape the development of children, their ideas and behaviour with regard to health, and therefore also the later behaviour of adults with regard to health. An ideal field for targeted early health promotion is the environment of kindergartens and child day care centres, because the majority of children at this important age and stage of development spend a lot time in this environment.

Against this background, the BZgA organised an expert conference on the theme of health promotion at kindergarten in June 2000. The main aim of the conference was to safeguard and intensify health promotion at kindergartens. Within this the main themes were the adaptation of existing information (transparency) and the interlinking of activities within both Germany and other countries, the implementation and further development of the setting approach in health promotion, the distribution of models of good practice and the integration of quality assurance measures. Volume 12 of the specialist booklet series “Research and Practice of Health Promotion” documents the contents and results of this conference in detail. In accordance with the course of the conference it is structured into four thematic blocks (separated by content): Promotion of development at pre-school age; Health promotion in everyday life at kindergarten; Health promotion at kindergarten taking into account special social situations and backgrounds; Health promotion at kindergarten - transparency/networking and quality assurance.

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