Gesundheitsförderung KONKRET, Volume 13: Quality Criteria for Health Promotion and Primary Prevention Measures in Connection with Overweight in Children and Adolescents

Thema English Version of Band 13: Qualitätskriterien für Maßnahmen der Gesundheitsförderung und Primärprävention von Übergewicht bei Kindern und Jugendlichen
Medientyp Fachheft

PDF file, 147 pages



Overweight and obesity are common among children and adolescents in Germany. Consequently, there is a demand for measures that promotehealthy living conditions for children and adolescents and thus enable ahealthy lifestyle. But what form do these measures have to take in orderto be able to reach the people who particularly need them, and to contribute to normal weight development in the long term?

A Working Group moderated by the BZgA examined this question, compiled the latest findings on the quality of preventive and health-promoting measures and developed corresponding quality criteria that were then discussed with experts, tested by practitioners, and finally adopted.

The criteria are based on recognised quality assurance systems, which weresupplemented by scientific data and experience from health promotionand obesity prevention. The presentation of the criteria follows the courseof measures, thus enabling a systematic, quality-assured procedure - from planning and implementation, all the way to consolidation.

The criteria are designed for providers who are planning new measures or want to improve the concept of existing programmes, and also for playersin health promotion who decide on the use and funding of measures.

"Gesundheitsförderung KONKRET, Volume 13: Quality Criteria for Health Promotion and Primary Prevention Measures in Connection with Overweight in Children and Adolescents" - Alle Materialien

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