Youth Sexuality 2006
Youth Sexuality 2006
Broschure, 128 pages
The goal of this study was to collect empirical data that could provide - because of the representative nature of the sample - reliable statements about the attitudes and behaviours of young people and their parents in the Federal Republic of Germany concerning sexuality and contraception.
This study is a continuation of the investigations done in 1980, 1994, 1996, 1998, and 2001. The goal is to identify trends. Trend comparisons relate in principle to the whole of Germany with the exception of the data from 1980, which relate to West Germany only and are therefore only of limited comparability.
The study was commissioned by the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, (BZgA), Cologne. It alone has all the acquired results at its disposal.
The most important results of the survey are summarized in the present report, where they are presented in diagrammatic and textual form.
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