Youth Sexuality 2010

Youth Sexuality 2010

Thema Repeat Survey of 14 to 17-year-olds and their parents - current focus: migration - German version : Jugendsexualität 2010
Medientyp Studie

Brochure, 190 pages

Besondere Empfehlung für:


One of the statutory tasks of the Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung is to develop educational concepts and information services in the fi eld of sexuality education.In order to comply with this remit, the BZgA has to depend on scientifi c insights into the target groups, the subjects that interest them, and their behaviour in respect of obtaining information. In this context it promotes and develops research projects and expert reports.

In this report, the BzgA, together with the department of social research at TNS Emnid Bielefeld, presents the most important results of the representative survey Youth Sexuality 2010.

The aim of the survey was to gather empirical data which, thanks to the representative nature of the samples, should provide reliable information on the attitudes and behaviour of young people in the Federal Republic of Germany, and, in the case of young people with German nationality, also their parents, in respect of sexuality, sexuality education, and contraception.

The study ties in with surveys conducted in earlier years with the express goal of revealing trends in attitude and behaviour.

The present volume summarizes the most important results of the survey, presenting them both in textual and graphic form. The presentation of the current fi ndings and comparison with the previous (2005) survey focus on a comparison between young people with a German background on the one hand, and those with a migrant background on the other. The long-term trends relate exclusively to young people with German nationality, as only they were included in earlier studies. This report will be followed by further analyses, for example the evaluation of the parent data. For more information - also in English - see

"Youth Sexuality 2010" - Alle Materialien

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