FORUM Sexualaufklärung und Familienplanung, Heft 1-2010: Sexuality and Disability, english version
When we first discussed the issue of “sexuality and disability” in the FORUM series (issue 2/3-2001), the Editorial discussed “admitting what youdon’t know”: today the range of this issue remains extensive. In addition tothe central and long-term issue of self-determined sexuality, the rights andwrongs of “sexual assistance” - a major issue at that time - were also discussed.
We are therefore extremely pleased to re-examine the issue of “sexualityand disability”, and to look at new themes, again discussed by excellent authors.
Sexuality as a human right - Ralf Specht provides an overview of recentdiscussions in academia and the prospects of a sex-positive future foreveryone.
The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)is viewed by many professionals in this field as a milestone in the history of the struggle for the self-determination of sexuality. It came into force inGermany in March 2009 and, for the first time, considers the issue ofdisability policy from the human rights perspective. Sigrid Arnade providesan extensive report on the content and significance of the UNCRPD.
The lawyer, Julia Zinsmeister, examines the law and legal reality withregard to sexual self-determination in assisted living facilities. Her articledelineates the legal aspects in a clear and comprehensible way, applying theserigorously to the practical situation; this also involves consideration ofstructural problems. She investigates the extent to which the existing right toprivacy is an applicable prerequisite for self-determined relationships.
Martina Puschke reports on the higher self-esteem of disabled women,their attitude towards sexuality and sexual assistance, their fight against sexual violence and other issues.
Many of our authors refer to the work of the self-help association “Mensch zuerst - Netzwerk People First Deutschland e.V.” This organi sationis regularly mentioned in connection with the issue of “plain language” andthe general use of language that people with learning difficulties can identifywith. Stefan Göthling is Secretary of the association and has defined the tasksand duties of the association clearly and comprehensively (this is to bewelcomed, and not only by the translators and copy-editors of this issue).
Aiha Zemp from Basel has focused on the prevalence and causes of sexualviolence: according to international studies, women with disabilities aresubject to this violence twice as often as non-disabled women.
The article by Beate Martin looks at concepts and successes in the world of continuing professional development (CPD) within the context of care forpersons with disabilities. Sigrid Weiser from pro familia, the leading GermanNGO for sexual and reproductive rights, writes on the many years of com -mitment of the organisation to the area of sexuality and disability.
Finally, we have added a new section “Projects”: one-page presentations of the reality of existing practice: “In Sachen Liebe unterwegs” [On the road.Talking about love], based in the AWO advisory centre in Lore-Agnes-Haus in Essen, and “Liebe, Lust & Frust” [Love, desire and frustration] fromLebens hilfe Berlin, “Eigenwillig” [Independent], a project from the Familien -planungszentrum in Hamburg and “Liebe, Sex und Drumherum” [Love, sexand all that] from adult education services in Hamburg.
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